Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thought of the Day - Consider This Moment

A question to ask yourself each morning that really lights fires, gongs bells, and summons resources is, "What little, mortal, baby steps can I take today that will demonstrate expectancy, prepare for my dream's manifestation, and above all, place me within reach of life's magic?"

Please ask this question, and then answer it with those little, baby steps, even when they're sometimes the same steps you took yesterday. I promise you, you'll go down in history as a giant among your kind.

It's never too late,
The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®

Life Will Always Be Working Out for Me. . .

I like understanding that things are always evolving, and while there are many things that could be better where I am, it is not really a problem because "where I am" is constantly changing to something better. I like knowing that as I look for the best things around me where I am, those things become more prevalent in my experience.

It is fun to know that things are always working out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that . . . I see more evidence of that every day.

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

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