3 Step Formula
- Decide what you want
- Give it attention,energy and focus
- Allow it
We often ask: What is taking so long?
Something is blocking it's delivery, which is what we call DOUBT. Doubt will cancel out our desires. To help remove doubt you must find proof that you are starting to manifest your desires.
- Celebrate the proof; notice what shows up and celebrate
- Record the evidence; be a good score keeper
- Appreciation and gratitude help you send out strong positive vibrations
- Use phrases like I'm in the process of... I've decided... Lots can happen...
The results you are getting are the feedback of what you are attracting. Send a vibration of the way you want it to be. As you find proof you widdle away the doubt as you manifest your desire.
Do you have to remove all the doubt? No!
You will still manifest your desires; you see the speed that the Law of Attraction will manifest your desires is in direct proportion to how much you allow.
Your homework: Celebrate things that manifest and in that very moment you are giving attention, energy and focus to what you desire and the Law of Attractions job is to give you more of the same.
Karen Lee Stocker is a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator and a Leader for Weight Watchers Canada. Find her online at Law of Attraction In Action and at LawofAttractionWorkbooks.com.
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