If your thoughts were to become things, (think carefully before answering), would you really want to bring to life the thoughts that rattle around in your head?
When was the last time you monitored and examined your thoughts? Really heard what you say to yourself, about yourself and others?
Just like on a daily newspaper, every story that runs through your paper ( head), needs to be edited. They may be full of half truths and fiction and sometimes out right lies. You can’t always believe what your thoughts tell you. Especially, if they are negative thoughts about you.
It’s time to get in touch with your personal urban legends. What stories have gone down in the annals of time that you KNOW aren’t true about. Get in the habit of checking for the “source” of your information and don’t believe every thought you hear, just because you thought it. It might not be your own story. In fact many of them aren’t.
Much of who we are, our “ true self’ or “self esteem” is actually derived from the input of significant caretakers, like parents, grandparents, siblings. They are the mirrow that reflects us to the world. When we were babies and young children, we might be called beautiful, or sloppy, clumsy or lazy, and at a time when we are especially vulnerable, we soak it up and make it our truth. I know that this seems strange but isn’t fact often stranger than fiction?
Let me explain briefly how this works.
You see our self esteem and self image lie in our subconscious mind. This is the powerhouse for all of us. When we are young, everything that is repeated to us, whether it be truth, lies, fact or fiction, takes up residence in our subconscious and without a referee to intervene for us or our self to stand up repudiate these statements, they eventually become who we are.
Our subconscious mind can be our most powerful ally but it can also be our most vicious enemy. Don’t get me wrong. It is happy to be either. It doesn’t have a conscience like you do. It has no morality, doesn’t know right from wrong. It only delivers what is programmed into it because that is it’s main function, it’s a powerful goal seeker.
It is our mainframe computer that sets the course for who we are, and it does it very well. Like a homing missile, nothing can alter the course of a goal that has been programmed into it, until you decide to replace it with another.
As already stated, who you are today was laid down in your growing up years. Say as an infant child, you were held lovingly, hugged and kisses repeatedly, and told how beautiful, smart and wonderful you are? What do you think the chances are that today, you might have a healthy image of yourself. Most likely you would be an affectionate, smart, confident, outgoing person, a real success story.
However let’s take this same child and put her/him with another family. Here this beautiful and smart child was told over and over again that he/she is ugly, disgusting and unwanted. This child is rarely touched and certainly never held and hugged or kissed goodnight. What do you think the chances are that these two children would turn out the same? Slim to none, right? In fact, I would bet that without therapy, that the second child turned into an adult who is extremely insecure, has few friends, and walks around with their self esteem dragging on the floor.
If she is a woman, she is a possibly has an invisible neon light over her head that makes her a target for abusers. Her aura says ‘victim’. Just like an anorexic who looks in the mirror and sees a fat person, this person sees what they were programmed to see. Someone not worthwhile. Certainly a distorted image of the truth.
It’s not rocket science is it? Of course there are exceptions and I am being extreme to bring home the point, but the truth is, somewhere along the line, we bought into it the story. We believed them enough to make them our truth.
What makes this so interesting is that they are ‘ONLY TRUE,’ if you believe them to be so.
Would you like to be someone else? Someone more confident, successful, happy perhaps? If so, then rewrite your script to be the person you want to be. I hear you thinking “if only it were that easy”? Guess what? It is! This is your key to understanding the Law of Attraction as well, because it is usually at the BELIEF stage where folks get stuck.
If you take ANYTHING away from this article at all, then please take the following tidbit home with you.
Inside you is the power to throw out all the negative messaging, all the words, phrases and stories that were placed in your head by well meaning ‘others’ for years and replace them with something positive, something that makes you feel good, stories that make you happy.
Reset your internal thermostat for Unstoppable. Create the person you want to be and see your new self come to life. Once you do, you will be attracting more and more positive things into your life.
The choice is now yours.
Take your first step towards independence. Challenge your thoughts, check your sources and edit and delete the stories that you don’t like. This is your ‘paper’, so turn it into something you are proud of. Be positive that it is something worth reading. Happy isn’t a place, it’s a mindset.
The Unstoppable Coach Frankie Picasso is a Professional Certified Life, Business and Master Coach Trainer and member of the International Coach Federation, and the Canadian Association of Journalists.
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