Law of Attraction has one job: to match vibrations. If you are sending a negative vibration or feeling LOA matches it. And, if you send a positive vibration or feeling LOA matches it too.
Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it's negative or positive. It simply responds to your vibration.
To know whether you are sending out a positive or negative vibration, simply take a look at the results you're getting in that area of your life. They are a perfect reflection of what you are vibrating. Negative results come from the words we use.
You see:
words + thoughts = our feelings or vibrations = our results
There are 3 negative words we use every day about 150 times before noon. They are: don't, not and no. We use these words when we complain about negative stuff in our life.
Do people tell more than one person negative things? Yes! And while they are complaining LOA is eavesdropping on their conversation and gives them more of the same!
When you hear yourself saying don't, not and no ask yourself: "so, what do I want?" When you go from what you don't want, the words change, and when the words change the vibration changes.
Remember, Law of Attraction is working whether you know it or not, so be deliberate and reset your words, simply by saying: So, What do I want?
Karen Lee Stocker is a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator and a Leader for Weight Watchers Canada. Find her online at Law of Attraction In Action and at LawofAttractionWorkbooks.com.
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