I always thought a "life purpose" was a JOB. It is, but not the kind of job I was thinking. I thought it meant: I am a child care provider, or Realtor, or banker. Or artist.
Those are things you can DO with your Life Purpose, but those are not your Life Purpose.
Knowing your life purpose is knowing your soul's desired State of Being. This will be different for all of us.
In being a "mother" what are you REALLY "being?" You pick out verbs that describe what a mother does. You don't even need kids to be a mother... a mother is "loving, supportive, nurturing, etc..." You can BE THAT to everyone.
That is not even close to my Life Purpose, lol, I just used it as an example.
I know my life purpose has something to do with being close to God-source, learning about spirituality, and spreading it to others. I just can't find the actual words that light that match of inspiration within me yet.
I have read when you find it you will know it because it will be SOOO emotional.
I don't want to be "preachy" but I do like to help others to feel inspired. I know I do that not so much by my WORDS but by how I live my life. An example? I don't know. I might be off a bit, too. I need a day on the weekend to just focus on this. I really want to find my Life Purpose sentence. It will be just one. Something like, "The purpose of my life is to stoke the engine of personal creative expression by encouraging and awakening in others the divine right to a finely honed, passionate life." That was written by Sonia Miller. It comes CLOSE to what I feel, but it is not quite right for me. Other examples may be, "My purpose of life is to encourage and inspire those around me to fully live and embrace life by embracing life myself." You CAN add what you love in there, "through my music" or "through the love and care of children," or something....
I don't know.
My husband thinks I am crazy for thinking I HAVE a life purpose. I have to whole heartedly disagree with him, though. I do believe we have purposes. And the fun part is we can live our purpose no matter what "earth job" we hold. A garbage man (or sanitation expert) can spread inspiration to others to live a spirit-filled life (if that is his purpose).
I truly believe by figuring out your life purpose you can begin to live it and that will bring on more opportunity for you. I know that when you are on the path, things align and opportunities open up to you. So, I DO feel I have a life purpose and I DO know I want to know it. :)
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