I love checking out furniture and accessories! We found some absolutely beautiful lines to add to the store.
Did you know that many people spend as much on furniture purchases as some people do in buying a house? I have to tell you, when I saw my first $10K couch about ten years ago - well, I didn't understand. Why would someone spend that kind of money on a couch? We now have a similar couch in our home.
I tell you this not to boast (not at all!) but to let you know that anything is possible. Did we focus and dream about the couch? Not at all, in fact, this is one of those things that fall into place as you get clear about the kind of life you would like to live. We want to live a life that is cloaked in beautiful things. It's automatic attraction.
How do you do this? (Ya, I know the couch might not be your thing - but this idea is transferable to anything you want to attract into your life)
If you're wanting to attract wealth into your life - you need to start expanding your boundaries of what's possible and normal for rich people. You have to take yourself to the next level by broadening your experience and your beliefs. And, you need to also start without trying to figure out the 'how's' of how this can all happen for you - just focus on the end result. The 'how's' will fall into place.
And, did you know that you can do all this and still be a spiritual being and do good for others? Why not?
Best of everything to you,
Law of Attraction Coach and Podcaster, Karen Luniw, publishes The Law of Attraction Tips weekly with thousands of subscribers and she also produces a Top US and Canadian Podcast, The Law of Attraction Tips that you can find on Itunes. If you're ready to have more of what you want in your life, make more money, have better relationships and have more fun get your FREE tips now at www.thelawofattractiontips.com
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