Do you remember the Song that NEVER ENDS by Shari Lewis and Lambchop? Just in case you forgot the words, they go like this…smile
“This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just becauses, this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because,” and so on and so on and so on , ad nauseum….
Well my dear friend Dvorahji has the SHUT UP song on her website, which compliments her book Shut UP- An Ancient Mantra for Happiness. I would advise you to be careful though…It should come with a warning. TAKE CARE WHILE VISITING THIS SITE..
The SHUT UP SONG, will stick in your head like a moth to a flame. You won’t be able to control yourself. You will find yourself singing it all day, in the grocery store, in the bathroom, you get the idea. I am poking fun but there’s truth in them der words. Even Dvorah admits its STUCK in her head too..lol. It’s a great little ditty that starts off like this: “Love is an Ancient Mantra, Love is a Joy of tantras, love is the answer for all time.” You can listen to it by going to www.dvorahji.com
So why am I writing about songs today? Well it came to me that not only do songs affect our emotions but most of us have songs to compliment them as well.
When you are feeling blue or depressed, do you put on happy music or do you find something slow, painful and depressing to compliment your mood? Who wants to listen to people being happy when you are ready for a pity party, and visa versa. Who wants slow depressing music when you are ready to PARTY and dance the night away?
We already know that the Law of Attraction checks for our vibrations, which is another word for our feelings. We can only hold one vibration at a time. It is either positive or negative, so when we are trying to attract something the best insurance is to keep our vibration high or positive. If you don’t know what that feels like, then think about what it feels like to be in love with the world, be so happy that you want to dance the night away.
This is the place you want to manifest from. HAPPY!!!
I would like to invite you try the strategy of FLIP SWITCHING- this is going from a bad mood to a better mood by employing a thought or feeling that is better than the one you have right now. I believe that music has the power to help us make this transition wonderfully easy.
Keep some tunes nearby you that you know will lift your mood from morose to just depressed. Abraham will say that no one jumps from the bottom of the emotional scale to the top. We don’t expect you to go from angry to happy but you can go up a few levels and even those levels will make a difference in what you are attracting to yourself in those moments.
Negative energy attracts more negative energy. Anyone who has ever got out of bed on the wrong side can attest to this. You wake up, stub your toe. Then when you go to shower, there’s no hot water left. You go downstairs for coffee, and guess what? No milk left.. and so on and so on and so on.
How can you stop your day from getting worse? FLIP SWITCH. Change your mood by changing your CD? Hey it’s a thought. Put on some Music that will make your joints start to move. For me, I can’t help myself when some good ole R & B or Funk comes on. It automatically shifts my mood to “feel’n good.”
Now why did I start off by talking about the Song that Never Ends or the Shut up Song? These are simple ditties that you can use for yourself to keep your goals, dreams and desires up front and in focus. Take either of those songs, use their catchy melodies and replace the words with your own. Make your own Mantra that you sing all the time to help the Law of Attraction work for you.
Whether you want a new job, a new relationship or a new car, keeping your mood high and your thoughts on your goal will help you attract what you want faster and easier than you thought possible. Oh and make sure the words you use are as if you already have what you want. Be grateful. It’s the cherry on the top of the LOA Sundae.
Maybe you chose a Cadillac Escallade “ I love my new Cadillac Escallade.. it’s big and green and fun, I got it for a great price that I could afford, it keeps my family safe when everyone’s on board, it was the one for my highest good, and I thank the Universe for doing good, it keep us comfy in summer and winter too, it’s the greatest car I own and I want one for you too”
You get the idea. The more descriptive you get, the more emotion you put into it and the more you focus on it by singing about it, should keep your mood Light and Breezy. So when the Universe comes checking on you, it finds you in a big positive mood.
Keep singing…the Unstoppable Coach Frankie Picasso
The Unstoppable Coach Frankie Picasso is a Professional Certified Life, Business and Master Coach Trainer and member of the International Coach Federation, and the Canadian Association of Journalists.
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