It’s all about your Intention.
Have you ever noticed that when the Universe wants you to know something it can be relentless in its approach? Well this week there was no doubt what the Universe had to say to me.
Like most folks, I have been looking for ways to increase my income as the rising costs of gas and food go up dramatically. I also have to admit, that I have been ‘giving’ away so much of my time and expertise lately that I seem to have become a FREE service.
In my desire to help others, I either coach them in the moment as a friend or send them on to colleagues, who end up with their business.
Now I know it’s my nature to help those in spiritual, emotional and physical pain and here in lies the oxymoron. I don’t help people because I want money for it, I help them because that is who I am. Helping people, however, is WHAT I DO for a living. There in lies the crux of my dilemma.
What is my intention?
Well the Law of Attraction would ask me: “What are your feelings about helping people in need?” Should you charge them money? Well guess what???? You got it. I don’t like the idea of charging people in pain, so I guess that’s why I do it for free!!!
Well, lately I have been thinking about reinvention. I feel like I need/want to do MORE, be MORE instrumental in helping to change the World. I have been tearing at my hair trying to find clarity on how to best serve this purpose and make a living at it.
Now we all know that Money is one of the more popular forms of validation that we use on this planet. It is a valid exchange of energy and as a currency, we all need some so that we can eat and pay our mortgages and so on. So why then has the Universe seen fit to send me the following message 3 times this week, “If you worry about the money, or chase the money, then it won’t come to you, but if you do things from your heart, you won’t need to worry, all your needs will be met, etc…“
Hmmm… this came up during a recent conversation with a woman who I had been directed to meet by a mutual friend; a virtual stranger whose words jumped out at me, since they weren’t the first time I had heard them this week. As we were speaking about our careers, the subject of money came up during our conversation and she said to me “don’t chase the money or it won’t come”. I thought wow, ok, where have I heard that before?
Then I received a numerology report the other night. I usually scan these quickly and delete them but something caught my attention and again jumped out at me, right off the page. It said “As a number 6 destiny, you are a natural healer and will help thousands of people, but don’t let your ego get in your way. Don’t chase the money, all your needs will be met.” Wow, almost verbatim to the second message. What is going on here?
I thought to myself: “That’s all well and good, but I would like to be validated too and get some of the money for the hours I put in. What about the ‘Money’ that my colleagues are getting from my referrals?” This sounds selfish doesn’t it? I agree. As we allow ourselves to become more conscious, there will be times when we backslide and allow our ego to have a say, but that’s ok. We don’t have to stay with those thoughts. That is not the person I want to be, jealous of my friends, or someone who is only out there for money.
That really has NEVER been who I was, and I am still not sure where they came from, but just writing them down and dissecting them has diluted them. I am a healer, I do help lots of people and I do it because I sincerely want to help them. I do it because I can and I do it because that is who I am. I can CHOOSE who it is I want to be and who I don’t want to be.
As I contemplated the message from the Universe, my mind went back to an interview I did with Bill Sweet on Quantum Radio. He is the author of A Journey into Prayer, and the former Director of Spindrift, a scientific research company that was pioneering how Prayer works. Bill explained that by using plants in their laboratory, they were visually able to see the direct results of prayer. They found that when they sent out selfless prayers of ‘love’ and healing to dying plants, the plants would have dramatic responses and recovery, or what some might term “a miracle took place,” and the starving, dead plants would come back to life healthy and green. Conversely they found that prayers that were self directed where the person was asking for things for themselves, well these prayers had little effect.
So the lesson then today is all about Intention. If you give of yourself with love, then this love will be reflected back to you in so many ways. Don’t forget to be grateful to the Universe for all your blessings. It may be the missing ‘link’ that makes the LOA work for you.
Frankie Picasso CPC
The Unstoppable Coach Frankie Picasso is a Professional Certified Life, Business and Master Coach Trainer and member of the International Coach Federation, and the Canadian Association of Journalists.
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