We need to be more aware of what we are giving attention to, because if you observe or talk about something negative or talk about something that you do not like the Law of Attraction is always checking and matching and giving you more of the same.
Sometimes we will tell a story about someone else's negative stuff over and over again to many people and we think because it's not our stuff we are not including it in to our current vibration or our vibrational bubble. Guess what, the Law of Attraction doesn't know the difference between whether we want it or not, whether it's good for us or not, it simply responds to what we give attention, energy and focus to, whether negative or positive.
Everything is included that we give attention to. We have about 60,000 thoughts a day and it would be impossible to manage all of those thoughts, but through awareness of paying attention to your don't, nots, and no's, you can reduce the amount of complaining, blaming, justifying, and defending which come from using these negative words.
We have so many positive feelings that we can tap into any time. We can take time to appreciate anything. It's the feeling that's attached to your appreciation that is important. Appreciation and gratitude help you offer strong, positive vibrations.
Remember: pay attention to the good stuff in a story and keep the negative stuff brief!
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